Thursday, September 4, 2008

chicken ... dumplings?

The leftover chicken is finally gone, although I haven't gotten around to using the stock yet. (More on that later.) After the pizza, I put together tacos, which were tasty but unexceptional, and tonight I made something that I don't have a good name for. See, I was going to make chicken purses, like I'd read about on yumsugar a while back, but I ran in to some basic problems with their recipe - I don't like ricotta, for one thing, and zesting a lemon always seems like a waste when I don't have anything else I really want to use a lemon for. So I opted to wing it for the filling, and wound up mixing together shredded chicken with a cup or so of CoJack, and then perusing my spice rack I wound up with garlic, onion, and mustard powders, plus black pepper. Then I added honey, because it seemed like the right thing to do.

I want to take a moment to address my frequent use of CoJack. For the record, it is not the only cheese I like. It is, however, my go-to cheese, and I keep forgetting to buy others. In case you were wondering. Which you weren't.

Anyway, I then spooned the filling onto the wonton wrappers, and promptly ran in to trouble - I don't know if I got the wrong size wrapper or what, but there was no way I could wrap them into the classic purse formation with anything resembling a reasonable amount of stuffing. So I wound up kind of folding them over, then flipping them and wrapping them into another, which didn't delight me but one does what one must eh wot, and so I wound up with little dumpling-shaped things. I boiled them til they floated as instructed, then wound up sauteing them for a bit in some butter - not the half a stick suggested in the recipe, because that's just too much butter, but enough to coat the pan. Because they wound up more or less flat along the bottom, and subsequently the top, I was only able to crisp the two large surfaces - a more circular formation would've cooked much more evenly when tossed.

Now, for all that these wound up very different from the original idea, they were very very tasty. I'm looking forward to trying again with different flavor combinations - I still haven't remembered to stock horseradish, which is all but criminal, and I have some ideas for a mixture that starts with rice vinegar as a foundation ... well, we'll see. We should be roasting a chicken again before too long.

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